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    • Meteorological Kites in India - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      THE India Meteorological Department has recently given in a number of its Meteorological Memoirs (vol. xx., pert i.) “an account of the preparations made for determining the conditions of the ...

    • Insect Drift over the North Sea - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      FROM August 5 until August 13 last year, one of us (A. C. H.) was kindly permitted to accompany the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries research ship George Bligh during one of her routine ...

    • Staffordshire Field Naturalists - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      The sixth instalment of T. Smith's “Birds of Staffordshire”, contained as an appendix, indicates how many birds, now rare or extinct, have appeared in the county; for in the list of Accipitres ...

    • The Arctic Problem - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      HEILPRIN devotes almost half of his little book to the narrative of the voyage of the Kite to the relief of Peary, a narrative which he invests with lively interest, despite ...

    • International Science 1 - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      IN an address delivered to the British Association at its Belfast meeting in 1902 I expressed the opinion that meteorology might be advanced more rapidly if all routine observations were stopped ...

    • Graham Bell's Tetrahedral Cell Kites - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      IN the June number of the National Geographic Magazine is a very interesting and instructive article by Dr. Graham Bell on the tetrahedral principle in kite structure. The ...