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    • The Institution of Naval Architects - Nature

      Nature· 5 days ago

      Owing to the death of Earl Cawdor, president of the institution, the chair was taken by Sir W. H. White, who announced that the council recommended...of the Marquis of Bristol ...

    • Frank Buckland - Nature

      Nature· 5 days ago

      About this date he entered St. George's Hospital as a student of medicine, taking the diploma of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, in 1851, becoming house surgeon to ...

    • The Education Bill - Nature

      Nature· 5 days ago

      THE third reading of the Education Bill was agreed to by the House of Lords on Monday, August 5, and it is expected that the measure will receive the Royal assent ...

    • Notes - Nature

      Nature· 5 days ago

      Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, on the part of the Government, assented to the motion, and added that it was their intention to bring in a Bill dealing ...

    • Notes - Nature

      Nature· 5 days ago

      A letter has since been received from the Dean of Westminster expressing his-general assent to the proposal and his willingness to take ...

    • Biological Notes - Nature

      Nature· 5 days ago

      A plant with green-coloured cells can, under the influence of light, take the carbon it requires from the atmosphere, releasing in the act of doing so, so much oxygen. This is a fact, too well ...

    • [Book Reviews] - Nature

      Nature· 5 days ago

      Mr. Lock's great advantage is preceptorial skill in arrangement and exposition. The retention of the expression “circular measure” in all its former importance, notwithstanding the introduction ...

    • Colour - Nature

      Nature· 5 days ago

      M. M. A. ROSENSTIEHL has made an interesting contribution to the science of colour in the form of a brochure recently published under the auspices of the Société Industrielle ...

    • Notes - Nature

      Nature· 5 days ago

      THE Summer Time Bill received the Royal Assent on May 17, and came into force at 2 a.m. on Sunday, May 21. From now until the end of September...Parliament, Order in Council ...