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    • The New Actinic Rays - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      Gifford's method of dispensing with a Crookes' tube introduces elements of another character. Both these negatives were taken without a tube, using the discharge from the terminal of a small ...

    • Viscosity of Sodium Thymonucleate - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      There is considerable reduction in viscosity of a dilute solution of sodium thymonucleate in presence of neutral salts and alkali. Greenstein and Jenrette1, as also Tennent and Vilbrandt2, have ...

    • Electrodeless Spectra of Hydrogen - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      WHILE making experiments on the apparent production of neon and helium during electric discharges, I have noticed an effect which may be of interest to spectroscopists. A powerful oscillatory ...

    • Exçavations in Berkshire - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      FURTHER particulars of the excavations on the Berkshire Downs to which reference was made in NATURE of August 18, p. 244, have been received from Mr. H. J. E. Peake. The site on which was discovered ...

    • Striations in High Frequency Discharges - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      From the accompanying photographs it will be seen that the appearance of the striations is strongly suggestive of a sine curve. In the narrow region between these turns, of width about one centimetre ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      The resistance of a pencil line increases when it is kept in a moist atmosphere. This change may, in certain circumstances, be utilised to measure humidity.—L. F. Richardson, V. Stanyon, and other students of Westminster Training College.

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      It is shown to possess several advantages over the similar American Clemens joint.—On a class of differential equations whose general integral is uniform, by M. Emile Picard.—Significance of ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      Physical Society, October 27.—Prof. J. Perry, F.R.S., vice-president, in the chair.—Mr. E. C. Rimington read a paper “On the Behaviour of an Air-Core Transformer when the Frequency is Below ...

    • Scientific Serials - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      Let two wires, forming the terminals of the secondary coil of an alternate current transformer, be brought nearly into contact, one of them being armed with a point, the other ...