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    • The Peril of Milk - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      CONFERENCE of a most important and serious A character was held in the Council Chamber of the Guildhall, London, on October I6-i8, during the week of the Dairy Show, dealing ...

    • International Congress of Zoologists - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      THE Fourth International Congress of Zoology which opened at Cambridge on Tuesday mornirig, August 23, promises to be the most successful meeting yet held. This is the first occasion that the ...

    • The Third Air Conference - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      THE Air Conference at the Guildhall, London, J-- occupied four sessions - the mornings and afternoons of February 6 and 7-the first day being devoted to the reading of papers ...

    • Centenary of William Wilberforce - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      ON July 23-30, Hull will commemorate the centenary of the death of William Wilberforce and the abolition of slavery within British possessions. William Wilberforce, Hulls most distinguished ...

    • The International Congress of Zoologists - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., F.R.S., which met last week at Cambridge, may be chronicled as a success, as well from the social as the scientific point of view. The discussions were animated ...

    • The British Association at Hull - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      YORKSHIRE hospitality is proverbial, and it has been very pleasantly manifested during the meeting of the British Association just concluded at Hull. The citizens have in many ways shown themselves ...

    • Current Topics and Events - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      H.R.H. the Prince of Wales has graciously accepted an invitation to be present at a joint dinner of the Institution of Mining Engineers (representing coal-mining engineering) and the Institution ...

    • Gog and Magog - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      YOUR interesting paragraph in NATURE of September 26 on the local Flemish giants carried annually in procession omitted the parallel most suggestive to English readers: Gog and Magog, cousins ...