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    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 9 hours ago

      LONDON Chemical Society, June 7.-Dr. Gladstone in the chair.- The following papers were read:-On the gases inclosed in lignite coal and mineral resin from Bovey Heathfield, by J. W. Thomas.

    • Sorby Fellowship: Dr. W. S. Bullough - Nature

      Nature· 19 hours ago

      THE Royal Society has appointed Dr. W. S. Bullough, lecturer in zoology at McGill University, Montreal, to be Sorby research fellow in the University of Sheffield in succession to Dr. K. Mellanby ...

    • Dr. Sanderson's Experiments and Archebiosis - Nature

      Nature· 16 hours ago

      IN last week's NATURE Dr. Sanderson expresses some surprise that I was gratified by the facts recorded in his previou letter. Dr. Sanderson's experiments in the eight successive cases in which ...

    • Czech Culture under German Rule - Nature

      Nature· 13 hours ago

      DR. BENEŠ has written a restrained but authenticated account of some of the Nazi crimes in a pamphlet (London: Allen and Unwin. 6d.) which has just appeared. It was the pride of the Czech nation ...

    • Natural History and Folk-Lore - Nature

      Nature· 11 hours ago

      DR. W. MALDWYN DAVIES's reference (NATURE, July 13, p. 55) to ‘gwas-y-neidr’—the Cymric equivalent of ‘ether's mon’—as the name for a dragonfly reminds me that ‘gwas-y-neidr’ is a not unusual ...