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    • The Formation of Coral Reefs - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      IN NATURE for February 18 there is a paper by Mr. J. S. Gardiner giving a concise account of his theory of coral reefs. A more extended paper by him on the same subject appeared ...

    • Palæozoic Coral Genera - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      A COMPLETE list of the Palæozoic coral genera has been carefully prepared, correctly named, and supplemented by references to authors, synonyms, localities and published works ...

    • Societies and Academeis - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      LONDON Geological Society, June 25.—Prof. T. G. Bonney, D.Sc., F. R. S., President, in the chair.—James Campbell Christie was elected a Fellow, and Baron C. von Ettingshauscn, of Graz, a Foreign ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      The occurrence is recorded, for the first time, of a pulmonate gastropod in British Carboniferous rocks. The specimens were collected by Mr. W. Wickham King in 1924 from a grey calcareous claystone ...

    • Geological Society : Awards for 1949 - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      THE Council of the Geological Society has announced' the following awards : Wollaston Medal to Dr Norman L. Bowen, of the Geophysical Lab-oratory, Washington, in recognition of his eminent researches ...

    • [Book Reviews] - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      THE author, during a long residence among coral reefs somewhere on “our southern border”—we have failed to find exactly where—studied very diligently the various forms of ...

    • Deep-Sea Corals - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      H. N. MOSELEY, F.R.S., in his masterly address to the Biological Section of the British Association at Montreal, dealt, amongst other matters, with the zoological position of the remarkable ...

    • “The Conspiracy of Silence” - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      Murray's withdrawal of the “new coral-reef theory” paper from the Royal Society of Edinburgh is illogical, not to say absurd. In justice to Sir Wyville's memory and in support ...