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    • Surveying and Exploring in Siam - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      To the student of Indo-China, Mr. McCarthy's book is full of extremely valuable information regarding the aboriginal and mountain races of the highlands of the interior, with whom the nature ...

    • Science and War - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      THE issue for August of the Labour Monthly includes replies to a questionnaire addressed to various people, labour leaders, sympathetic professors and others, on the subject ...

    • The Argentine Society of Natural Sciences - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      Its founders realise that hitherto scintific studies in the Argentine Republic have been prosecuted chiefly by foreign travellers and by foreigners temporarily resident in th country; and they ...

    • A Land of Dilemma 1 - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      The book deals with various phases of life and work in the Northern Territory, and records the impression of a keen and sympathetic observer who had unusual opportunities ...

    • Scientific Serials - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      THE current number of the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology contains much valuable scientific work, together with its excellent Reports on the progress of Anatomy and Physiology, by Prof. Turner ...

    • Dr. G. L. Brown, C.B.E., F.R.S - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      G. L. BROWN, who has been appointed to succeed Prof. Lovatt Evans, has been a member of the scientific staff of the Medical Research Council for the last fourteen years. Dr. Brown was a student ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      An attempt has been made to test the validity of the hypotheses (i) that the reaction of haemoglobin with oxygen is represented by the equation (Hb)n, + nO2 ⇋ ±(HbO2)n, where Hb represents the ...

    • Singing, Speaking, and Stammering 1 - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      Dr. Bristowe, in his Lumnleian lectures of 1879, has added some pathological data of considerable value, and Dr. Waishe, in his "Dramatic Singing, Physiologically Estimated," has touched on ...