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    • Oceanic Tidal Friction - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      IN equation (26) of a paper in the current number of the Proceedings of the Royal Society (93 A, pp. 34859) Mr. R. O. Street has given an expression for the rate of dissipation of energy in ...

    • University and Educational Intelligence - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      LONDON.—The Education Committee of the London County Council has approved a grant of 26,140l. Increased grants are given to the Evening School of History at University College, 140l.; to Italian ...

    • Platinum - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      On the last page—and, therefore, there being no cover, the back of the pamphlet—we are told that this union is an international organisation, which is housed at Washington in a beautiful building ...

    • Notes - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      Ferdinando Lori and the secretaryship of the indefatigable Prof. Vincenzo Reina. The success of the meetings at Rome in 1916 and at Milan and Turin in 1917 has convinced the ...

    • The Value of Insectivorous Birds - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      WITH reference to Sir Herbert Maxwell's comments on my article in NATURE of July 25, I think he has overlooked one of the causes I mentioned in connection with the present scarcity of our insectivorous ...

    • Our Astronomical Column - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      VARIABLE STARS.—As many of the ephemerides of these stars that were formerly available are discontinued or inaccessible owing to the war, M. Luizet has prepared a useful set of ephemerides for ...

    • Prof. C Tangl - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      Eotvos. He was appointed in 1901 as Privat-Dozentand in 1903 as professor of experimental physics at the University of Kolozsvar. In 1917 he became professor of physics at ...

    • The Prevention of Venereal Disease - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      THE interest of many readers of NATURE has no doubt been aroused by recent correspondence in the Times upon the subject of prevention of venereal disease, together with the trenchant article ...