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    • Alum Solution - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      ONE frequently reads, in accounts of experiments on the physical or chemical action of luminous rays, that a solution of alum has been used to absorb obscure heat radiations. An instance of ...

    • Valve Motions of Engines - Nature

      Nature· 24 hours ago

      ENGINEERS want a diagram which for any position of the main crank of a steam engine (the angle θ which it makes with the inner dead point being given) shows at once, with sufficient accuracy ...

    • Earthquake in the Western Riviera - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      AN interesting fact in connexion with the late disastrous earthquake which did such damage along the Western Riviera of Liguria on the morning of February 23 last, and with which I only lately ...

    • [Obituary] - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      Seized on January 12 with influenza while on his way home from the Museum, he succumbed to its effects within four days, on the evening of January 16. Mr. Hadrill first took service with the ...

    • [Book Reviews] - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      In the explanatory part he discusses the questions relating to inorganic evolution and to the origin of life and life-forms, and sets forth in logical order the arguments which are held to establish ...

    • The Iron and Steel Institute - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      THE annual general meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute was held last week in London, commencing on Thursday, the 7th inst., and continuing over the following day. From the Report of the ...

    • Becquerel and Lippmann's Colour Photographs - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      Becquerel about 1850, have long been known and have always appeared to be very mysterious to those who have repeated the experiments. When Prof. Lippmann's success with the interferential method ...