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    • Colour Measurement - Nature

      Nature· 13 hours ago

      Smith, Guild and Donaldson's fears1 of misconceptions were not at all justified. My letter2 directed attention to certain general aspects of the physics of colour measurement. Emphasis was upon ...

    • Science and Pottery 1 - Nature

      Nature· 14 hours ago

      THE English Ceramic Society, founded about ten years ago, had its origin in a belated attempt, made by a few enlightened manufacturers, to introduce scientific method into the conduct of one ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 14 hours ago

      Geikie.K. C. B.,president, in the chair.—Prof. H. L. Callendar and H. Moss: The absolute expansion of mercury.—Dr. R. W. Gray and Sir W. Ramsay: The density of niton (radium emanation) and the ...

    • Archæological Discoveries in Crete and Egypt - Nature

      Nature· 14 hours ago

      THE undoubtedly close connection which existed between the Bronze age civilisations of Greece and Egypt is now generally recognised by archæologists. Not only was Egyptian influence on the development ...

    • Coal Mining in Great Britain - Nature

      Nature· 14 hours ago

      IT would be difficult to exaggerate the importance of the Report of the Technical Advisory Committee on Coal Mining, presumably to be known as the Reid Report*. For almost a century, coal mining ...

    • Forms of Clouds - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      On the 8th I chanced to take a walk with M. Gustave Flourens, who has since been sentenced to death by court-martial. At five o'clock we witnessed many ribboned clouds parallel</ ...