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    • Fresh Water Biology in Italy - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      FOUNDED in 1939 by private endowment, the Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia de Marchi, at Pallanza (Province Novara), is scarcely known abroad. It is situated on the north shore of Lake Maggiore ...

    • Notes - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      WE can only express, for the present, the deep regret with which we learn the death of Prof. F. M. Balfour, a regret which we are sure will be shared by all who know anything of Mr. Balf our's ...

    • Geography Of The Caucasus - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      OF the several branches of the Russian Geographical Society, the Caucasian and the East Siberian are well known for the amount of valuable geographical work they have done during the thirty ...

    • Insects Visiting Flowers - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      THE interest arising out of the writings of Darwin, Lubbock, and Hermann Müller relative to the part played by insects in their oft-recurring visits to flowers has of late years attracted much ...

    • Floods on the Continent - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      WHILE the peak level of the floods in the Thames Valley, reported in last week's issue of NATURE, has apparently been reached and passed, and the river, despite some additional rainfall during ...

    • Opening of the Mont Cenis Tunnel - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      THE project of constructing a tunnel under the Alps —one of the favourite designs of that ardent patriot and eminent statesman, the late Count Cavour—has now been accomplished, thanks to the ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      Mosley, Colvin, Noble, F.R.A.S., and Davey, were elected Fellows of the Society. The following communications were read:-(1) “On the principal Features of the Stratigraphical Distribution of ...

    • Colour of the Sky - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      Your correspondent “H. A. N.” will find some interesting remarks on the blueness of the sky in Professor Tyndall's “Glaciers of the Alps” (p. 257, &c.), and one or two additional notes in my ...