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    • Christian Conrad Sprengel - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      SPEAKING of Christian Conrad Sprengel's discoveries, Dr. H. A. Hagen says (NATURE, vol. xxix. From the complete want of papers relating to the facts observed, and the theories proposed by Sprengel ...

    • Edouard René Claparède - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      AT the early age of thirty-nine, one of the most skilful, laborious, and honoured of European zoologists has been lost to Science in the person of Edouard Claparède. Having taken up his residence ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      E. Dobson exhibited a remarkable parasitic worm from the intestine of Megaderma frons, from the Gold Coast. It appears allied to Pterygodermatites plagiostoma, Wedl, from the Long-eared Hedgehog ...

    • The Present State of Physiological Research - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      How far is it true that physiologists must revert to the point of view of comparative physiology, or the physiology of the endless variety of lower and simpler forms of life which was that which ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      J. N. Fitch, J. S. Gamble, F. S. Piggott, A. B. Stewart, and Prof. Macoun were elected Fellows.—Mr. Thiselton Dyer exhibited portions of the “Nam-mu” tree, which grows in Yunnan, 25°–26° N. ...

    • Dr. Alex Müller - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      Dr. Alex Müller, who died on July 2, at the age of fifty-eight, received his early training in physics and mathematics in Zurich, where he took his doctorate in 1915 by a ...

    • Theodor Schwann - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      The most important fact in the history of his mental development, is that he came under the influence of the greatest teacher and worker in biological science whom Germany rich in such men, ...