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    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      LONDON Geological Society, June 21.-Prof. P. Martin Duncan, F.R.S., president, in the chair.—Mr. Hector Maclean and Mr. Samuel Trickett were elected Fellows, and Dr. L. Riitimeyer, of Basle, ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      Sea-weeds are extensively used in Japan as food, glue, and manure. The most important point in cultivation is to give the plant a suitable ground for attachment. The author explains these factors ...

    • Irish Cave Exploration - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      Bones of mammoth, reindeer, bear, wolf, horse, and hare, were found in the débris of a quarry here in 1859, and are now in the Royal Museum, Dublin. The bones of bear show ...

    • Scientific Serial - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      The native arsenic was found in a vein of nepheline syenite at the Corporation Quarry, neair Montreal. On analysis it proved to contain 9874 per cent, of arsenic, G65 per ...

    • Charles William Peach - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      AT the ripe age of eighty-six this genial and enthusiastic naturalist has at last passed away. Born in Northamptonshire, he eventually joined the Coast-Guard service, and was stationed at various ...

    • Waters and Glaciers - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      UNDERGROUND waters play a considerable part in recent researches on French caves (Spelunca, tome vii., 1907–8, Nos. A number of caves in various levels of Jurassic limestone are drawn in plan ...

    • Palæolithic Implements from Bombay - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      PALAEOLITHIC implements from the island of Salsette, north of Bombay, of considerable importance as demonstrating for the first time the presence of a palaeolithic culture in this region of ...

    • The Zoological Society of Scotland - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      The new open-air enclosure for tigers, which occupies the site of an old sandstone quarry, is a most striking example of the use of natural rock, and a new restaurant, made ...