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    • The Swallowing of One Snake by Another - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      THE snake incident, described in NATURE, October 25 last, page 620, as having occurred in the reptile-house in the Zoological Society's menagerie, recalls to my mind two similar cases, recorded ...

    • Bison not Aurochs - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      Gadow has kindly referred me to Prof. Wrzeniowski's “Studien zur Geschichte des polnischen Tur,” published in May 1878 (Zeitschr. für wissenschaftl. Zoologie, xxx. pp. 493 ...

    • Photographs of Snow Crystals - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      Mr. Bentley has made a study of. During the winter of 1901–1902 a systematic record was secured by Mr. Bentley of a number of snow storms, and several good photomicrographs from each storm were ...

    • James Prescott Joule - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      THROUGHOUT the world of science there has spread a feeling of profound regret at the death of Mr. Joule, which was announced a week ago in the columns of NATURE. On the evening of the 11th of ...

    • "Guide to the Mollusca"

      Nature· 5 days ago

      WITH reference to the review of the “Guide to the Mollusca” in NATURE of July 21, p. 93, may I be allowed to point out that our rather cautious statement, “A species of Helix has been said to ...