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    • Colony of Cats - Nature

      Nature· 18 hours ago

      IT may interest those of your readers fond of cats to know that a colony of cats live and breed under the wooden platform of the Victoria Station of the District Railway. It may tend to show ...

    • Toxicity Tests for Novarsenobenzene - Nature

      Nature· 18 hours ago

      Two separate tests are required, since toxicity and therapeutic efficiency are not proportional: in fact, they may vary inversely, and a toxic sample may have only a negligible therapeutic effect ...

    • Carcinogenic Effect of Aminoazobenzene - Nature

      Nature· 19 hours ago

      Thus the azo-link is split as in the case of o-aminoazotoluene3 and other azo-compounds in the animal body. However, the absence of N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylene-diamine ...

    • Brain reflections - Nature Neuroscience

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      In the 1980s a group of Italian neuroscientists in the laboratory of Giacomo Rizzolatti, in Parma, implanted microelectrodes into motor areas of monkey brains to record single-cell activity ...

    • Site of Action of Œstrogens - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      Female mice were operated under ether anæsthesia and the vagina was separated from the bladder and urethra. It was then cut into approximately equal upper and lower parts. The upper end of the ...

    • Equine Encephalomyelitis in U.S.A - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      IN an editorial article in Public Health Reports of April 5 the writer remarks that though equine encephalomyelitis may have existed for very many years in the United States, attention has recently ...