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    • Nature and Man in Eastern Africa 1 - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      One might at first classify the work under review as a study of the Nilotic peoples of the northern and central parts of the Uganda Protectorate; but as it includes passages dealing with the ...

    • British Tyroglyphidae - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      On learning that they like senna as well as dried figs, cantharides as well as French plums, that they are partial to decaying mushrooms, that they eat hay with equine avidity and dote on rush-bottom ...

    • Erlebtes und Erstrebtes - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      THERE must be many who have hailed with delight the announcement of “Erlebtes und Erstrebtes,” the authentic account of the long and assiduous life of the founder and elaborator of modern comparative ...

    • 14,000 Miles through the Air - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      THIS small volume by the late Sir Ross Smith marks an epoch in the history of flying, for it is a record of the first flight from London to Australia. Sir Ross Smith and his brother, Sir Keith ...

    • The Determination of Sex - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      IN this communication it is proposed to give an exposition of the subject of the determination of sex presenting chiefly the line of argument which the writer has been able to develop from recent ...