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    • The Colonial and Indian Exhibition - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      ...collection of timbers, however, was that from New Brunswick, where the woods were arranged so as to form a kind of design, the lower or basal portion being formed of trunks of trees, with their barks remaining, about three feet high, over this were arranged sections of the wood in frames composed...

    • Scientific Serials - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      THE American Meteorological Journal for September contains an article, by Prof. H. A. Hazen, on Espy's experiments on storm generation and the liberation of latent heat on cloudformation; these ...

    • Geological Climates - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      IN relation to the discussion as to the importance to be ascribed to the distribution of certain trees and plants in the determination of geological climates, it may interest Prof. Haughton ...

    • Intellect in Brutes - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      Pipe laid on second floor, between flooring-boards above and ceiling below, between joists the usual distance apart; plenty of room all round pipes to obtain access to any part of the floor, ...

    • Fireballs - Nature

      Nature· 24 hours ago

      Last year, in July, I was residing on Naphill Common, Buckinghamshire. About midday, during my absence at Oxford, a violent thunderstorm broke over the district, and appeared to extend from ...