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    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      PARIS. Academy of Sciences, August 21.—M. Maurice Lévy in the chair.—The Perpetual Secretary announced to the Academy the loss it had sustained by the deaths of MM. Frankland and Bunsen, Foreign ...

    • Scientific Serials - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      On the anatomy and histology of a new species of derostoma (D. benedenii), by M. Francotte.—Report on the work still required to complete the geodesic survey of Belgium, by Capt. Delporte.—Observations ...

    • Fireballs Visible in the Spring Months - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      THOUGH ordinary shooting stars are rare in the second quarter of the year, fireballs appear to be moderately numerous and to afford definite evidence of some interesting systems which, like ...

    • The Story of Biela's Comet 1 - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      II. BRANDES, one of the two German students spoken of, was riding in an open post-waggon on the night of Dec. 6, 1798, and saw and counted hundreds of these shooting-stars or meteors. The November ...

    • The Coming Shower of Leonids - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      OWING to the large numbers of shooting stars visible on the night of November 15, 1903, the expectation of witnessing a meteoric spectacle on perhaps a more extensive scale will probably be ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      The author describes Poly lopho sper mum, Codonospermttm, Stephanospermumy and sEtheotesta.- Note on the Central Sea of Algeria, by?. The author has been feeding insects with arsenic. The metallic ...