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    • The Zodiacal Light - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      CONTRARY to Mr. Hall's experience of astronomical books (see NATURE, vol. viii. p. 7), in neither Herschel's “Outlines of Astronomy,” Humboldt's “Cosmos,” nor Guillemin's ...

    • Radio Astronomy - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      DURING recent years important advances in astronomical knowledge have accrued from the application of radio methods of observation. The striking progress in this field has followed largely from ...

    • Science and Society in Ancient China - Nature

      Nature· 19 hours ago

      While the Taoist hermits who withdrew from human society to contemplate Nature had no scientific method, they tried to understand Nature in an intuitive and observational way, and the earliest ...

    • Evidence builds for recent merger - Nature Astronomy

      Nature· 4 days ago

      The Milky Way is thought to have experienced several merger events throughout its history, but there are conflicting ideas regarding which is the most recent: the ‘last major merger’. A scenario ...

    • Triple T-Tauri – Astronomy Now

      Astronomy Now· 7 days ago

      Image: KPNO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/P. Massey/T. A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage/NOIRLab)/M. Zamani and D. de Martin (NOIRLab). This cavernous nebula is home to a bundle of young stars, specifically a triple system of T-Tauri stars. These are

    • Russian Astronomy Resurgent - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      A TELEGRAM from Moscow gives the news that the Astronomical Council of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. has already made a start on the task of rebuilding those Russian astronomical institutions ...