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    • Origins of Garden Vegetables - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      VILMORIN'S production of biennial, red-rooted carrots from annual white-rooted wild plants, and Buckmaster's improvement of the wild parsnip, are two outstanding examples of vegetable introductions ...

    • Cholera1 - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      Nothing could more forcibly illustrate the great advance in practical sanitation than the comparative immunity from cholera in an epidemic form, which this country has enjoyed for the last twenty-five ...

    • A Letter of ch. Darwin in Argentina - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      Your letter of August 30, with the papers which you were so good as to send me, reached me only short time since, owing to the protracted illness and absence from London of Mr. Morris, through ...

    • Perception of Colour - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      For example: if, on the instant after the exposure of the eye to strong light, as described—solarisation I will call it—flowers of various colours, placed in a shady part of a room were examined ...

    • The Gresham Lectures on Physic - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      In the one case, the infection of scarlet fever was brought to the village of Flindon, in Hampshire, by a girl who came from Worthing, and served in a small general shop which ...

    • Bees and Scarlet-Runner Beans - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      Instead of the smaller black and black with grey humble-bees busy over the blooms in what I termed the legitimate way, there were numbers of a larger, yellow-banded species of humble-bee that ...

    • Societies and Academies. - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      Chemical Society, December 17, 1891.—Dr. W. H. Perkin, F.R.S., Vice-President, in the chair.—The following papers were read:—The composition of cooked vegetables, by Miss K. J. Williams. The ...

    • The Orchid Exhibition - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      Could there be in one natural order a stronger contrast than between the mode of growth and the gorgeous flowers of the genus Cattleya—essentially “flaunting flowers”—and those of the genus ...