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    • Liquid Hydrogen - Nature

      Nature· 16 hours ago

      IN his letter published in your issue of the 9th inst., replying to mine published on May 26, Prof. Dewar does not question the accuracy of the following statements, which form the most important ...

    • The Philosophical Society of Glasgow - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      THE Proceedings of the eighty-first session have just been published in the form of a volume of 428 pages, and consisting of twenty-four papers, three plates, and a map. The papers are: an address ...

    • Our Book Shelf - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      Its publications, moreover, are already numerous, and contain much valuable material for the natural history, archæology, and antiquities of Berwickshire. There must be already a vast amount ...

    • Societies and Academies - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      B. Clarke, M.A., vice-president, in the chair.—The Rev. B. Scortechini and Mr. J. Marshall were elected Fellows of the Society.—Mr. Thos. Christy exhibited various vegetable fibres and the manufactured ...

    • New Guinea Exploration - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      ON March 15 last a private exploring Expedition, commanded by Mr. Theodore Bevan, left Thursday Island for New Guinea in the steamer Victory, which had been placed for six weeks at Mr. Bevan's ...

    • Iron and Steel Institute - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      Sir James Kitson, who was president when the society first visited America in 1890, followed with a similar address of cordial welcome. The president announced that the King had consented to ...

    • Scientific Intelligence from America * - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      THE statement, by Professor J. D. Whitney, of the present condition of the geological survey of California, lately presented to the Governor of the State, gives a gratifying picture of the activity ...