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    • Natural and Artificial Camouflage - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      IN an interesting essay on “Camouflage” (Scientific Monthly, December, 1918, pp. 481-94) Mr. Abbott H. Thayer illustrates his well-known conclusions in regard to the cryptic coloration of animals ...

    • Epidemiology in the Army - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      Med., 13, 2229; 1940) Lieut.-Colonel J. S. Simmons, of the Medical Corps of the United States Army, divides the hazards of military life into three groups according as they arise in peace-time ...

    • Coloration in Lizards - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      INGRAM has just returned from Round Island, Mauritius, bringing with him a collection of lizards made there. The most interesting species included in this gift is a small and very beautiful ...

    • Hollyberries and Birds - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      IN reply to Mr. Reeks's question, where his opinion as to the relations between birds and berries seems to differ from Mr. Darwin's, I think it best to allow the latter to speak for himself.

    • American Health in Early War Months - Nature

      Nature· 22 hours ago

      An improvement in mortality-rate during the first three months of 1942 over that in 1941 was reported for almost all the important causes of death, and no less than nine diseases have shown ...

    • Ornithological Notes - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      A feature of this issue is a coloured plate representing five species of brilliantly coloured birds—the quezal, the great bird of paradise, the scarlet ibis, the cock-of-the-rock ...

    • Climbing Plants1 - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      THIS forms the fourth part of A. F. W. Schimper's “Botanische Mittheilungen aus den Tropen,” and is devoted to the description and illustration of the various adaptations for climbing exhibited ...