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    • The Origin of Flint - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      THE suggestion of Dr. R. M. Caven (p. 306), that the black colour of flint is due to ferrosoferric oxide, is supported by the fact that flints which have been for some time in contact with gaslime ...

    • How to Prevent Drowning - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      I OBSERVE several letters in NATURE, vol. xxiv. pp. 101 and 126, on floating as a means of preventing drowning, but I do not think the last word is yet said on this subject ...

    • Géologie de Jersey - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      CONSIDERING that Jersey became subject to the Crown of England at the time of the Norman Conquest, English geologists may agree with M. de Lapparent's complaint as to the neglect the island ...

    • Insects Visiting Flowers - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      THE interest arising out of the writings of Darwin, Lubbock, and Hermann Müller relative to the part played by insects in their oft-recurring visits to flowers has of late years attracted much ...

    • The House-fly - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      Then I thought that all these dead flies might belong to the same brood, and having lived under almost exactly the same circumstances, their threads of life were spun out at almost exactly the ...

    • Our Book Shelf - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      THE prospectus of this work promises us a thorough treatment of all parts of the important subject of dairy farming. The selection, breeding, and feeding of dairy cows; the production, treatment ...