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    • Early Publication in Anthropology - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      Two notes, pregnant with suggestion for the field archaeologist engaged in palolithic research, appear among the communications presented to the Institut fran§ais d'Anthropologie last session ...

    • The Inheritance of Mental Characters - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      THE reply of Dr. C. Walker to Dr. Archdall Reid in your issue of last week seems to me somewhat quibbling, and suggests that he is not intimately acquainted with Prof. Pearson's ...

    • Kew Gardens - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      IT is highly desirable that the public should be fully acquainted with the real objects of the establishment of which we have the annual report before us, as a very imperfect ...

    • Prof. Miller's Ether Drift Experiments - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      THROUGH the courtesy of Prof. Miller I have been made acquainted with the results of his February series of observations made on Mt. Wilson, to be published in the Proc. Nat ...

    • The Works of Archimedes - Nature

      Nature· 4 days ago

      THIS is a companion volume to Dr. T. L. Heath's valuable edition of the “Treatise on Conic Sections” by Apollonius of Perga, and the same patience, learning and skill which have turned the latter ...