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    • The Westerly Progress of Cities - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      Flammarion draws attention to a peculiarity in the habits of our large towns which everyone must have noticed. “The wealthy classes have a pronounced tendency to emigrate westward, leaving the ...

    • Manuscript Herbals - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      Library (MSS. No. 63), now in the Botanical Department of the British Museum (Natural History), of a volume of water-colour drawings copied from the Codex Anicia Juliana. The interesting point ...

    • Obituaries - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      Born at Jassy, in Rumania, Margosches studied at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna and, after graduation there, was appointed assistant to Prof. Donath at the Technische ...

    • International Meteorological Committee - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      THE International Meteorological Committee appointed by the Paris Congress of 1896 in succession to those appointed by previous congresses, commencing with the Vienna Congress ...

    • Botanical Nomenclature - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      This document, which has the approval of a large number of the leading botanists of America, appears in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club for May, being printed in three languages. The ...

    • Physics in Germany - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      (From a German Correspondent.) HERR STEFAN, of Vienna, has published a paper on a series of researches on adhesion. It is well known that two plane plates which are placed ...

    • Geographical Notes - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      THE new number of the Mittheilungen of the Vienna Geographical Society contains several letters written by Dr. O. Lenz during his journey from Kasonge, on the Upper Congo, ...