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    • A Meteor Visible in the Daytime - Nature

      Nature· 17 hours ago

      Looking up, I saw in the south-south-west, about half Way between the horizon and the zenith, a bright meteor slowly sailing nearly clue west, its apparent size about half that of the full moon ...

    • Our Astronomical Column - Nature

      Nature· 13 hours ago

      MERCURY A MORNING STAR—Mercury will reach its greatest westerly elongation on July 21 (distance from the sun 20°). During the last ten days of July the planet may possibly be glimpsed near the ...

    • Notes - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      MR. JOHN WHITEHEAD returned to Labuan in safety from his second expedition to Kina Balu, and is daily expected in England. The new species will be described by Mr. Sharpe in the forthcoming ...

    • The Isothermal Layer of the Atmosphere - Nature

      Nature· 16 hours ago

      A. L. Rotch, at the British Association, mentioned that his instruments were verified for low temperatures and pressures. The following physical effect on the barographs does not appear to have ...

    • Auroral Observations in the Antarctic - Nature

      Nature· 16 hours ago

      ELECTRICAL phenomena resembling aurora have hitherto been observed in the laboratory only at very low atmospheric pressures, and the recent determinations of the altitude ...

    • The Remarkable Sunsets - Nature

      Nature· 13 hours ago

      Since I have been a reader of journals I have seen nothing more enthralling in its interest than the contributions made, week by week, to NATURE on this subject from all parts of the world.