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    • “Sky-coloured Clouds” at Night - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      IN NATURE, June 28 (p. 196), Mr. Backhouse notes the appearance of illuminated clouds to northward at night. Similar clouds are seen from here on almost every clear night ...

    • Electric Lighting - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      IN NATURE, vol. xx. p. 641, you say, “For the first time perhaps in the history of electric lighting two rival magnetoelectric machines are illuminating the same hall”. I ...

    • Systems of Consanguinity - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      IN NATURE, vol. xi. p. 401, I find a notice of the third edition of Sir John Lubbock's valuable work on the “Origin of Civilisation,” in which the following paragraph occurs ...

    • Gases of War - Nature

      Nature· 19 hours ago

      IN NATURE of February 15, Mr. Arthur Marshall contributes an article on the ” Gases of War” in which he says of mustard gas ” attempts were made to work out a method of manufacture ...

    • Progressive Lightning - Nature

      Nature· 19 hours ago

      ON Nov. 20, 1926, NATURE published an article by me with the above title, in which I described an instrument which I had constructed in the year 1900, for investigating the ...

    • Nature of Disease-Producing Viruses - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      IT has been pointed out on more than one occasion that, if filterable viruses constitute a group of ultra-microscopic organisms, it is remarkable that no saprophytic forms are known. In < ...

    • The British Ecological Society - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      REFERRING to the note in NATURE of May 31 p. 669, on his award of the Linnean Gold Medal Prof. A. G. Tansley writes: In the notice of my work which appeared in NATURE ...

    • The Motion of the Perihelion of Mercury - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      IN NATURE for March 21 Sir Oliver Lodge suggests that the unexplained part of the motion of the perihelion of Mercury may be attributed to the action of a resisting medium ...