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    • Prof. F. G. Young, F.R.S - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      CHIBNALL will be succeeded in October next by Prof. F.G. Young,who will thus be leaving University College London, after having held the chair of biochemistry there since 1945. During the War ...

    • Forms of Solar Protuberances* - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago—then the protuberances, properly so called, must be regarded, not as true eruptions, but as alterations of the chromosphere in those parts, where, through special circumstances, the composition of the subjacent strata becomes modified, either by an outflow of the internal constituents of the...

    • A Great Naturalist 1 - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      Until twenty-one years of age he struggled with the law, in 1848 turning to medicine, which he studied at Montpellier. In those days the whole of biology was a relatively small study, and Commerson ...

    • Rotation of the Globular Cluster ω Centauri - Nature

      Nature· 16 hours ago

      A LONG series of observations and measurements of photographic plates taken on the globular cluster ω Centauri has now been completed by members of the staff of the Royal Greenwich Observatory ...

    • The Long-term Prisoner - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      IN a paper read before the ninety-fifth meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (Amer. J. Psychiat., 96, 1321; 1940) Dr. Marvin Sukov records his observations on thirty men completing ...

    • Osmotic Pressure - Nature

      Nature· 14 hours ago

      IN the October number of the Philosophical Magazine will be found an interesting paper, by Prof. Poynting, which explains the phenomena of the osmotic pressure of solutions by the hypothesis ...

    • Current Topics and Events - Nature

      Nature· 15 hours ago

      The Corresponding Societies can give invaluable help in discovering the original settlement of the land, the manors, the system of cultivation adopted before enclosure, and the date and method ...