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    • Nature of Koch's Remedy - Nature

      Nature· 19 hours ago

      SINCE Koch announced at the meeting of the International Medical Congress in Berlin, more than five months ago, that he had discovered a remedy for tuberculosis, a lively curiosity has been ...

    • Electric Lighting - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      IN NATURE, vol. xx. p. 641, you say, “For the first time perhaps in the history of electric lighting two rival magnetoelectric machines are illuminating the same hall”. I ...

    • The Severn Bore - Nature

      Nature· 18 hours ago

      IN NATURE of January 23 there is an interesting illustration of the Severn Bore, as photographed by Dr. Vaughan Cornish. If I understand the note rightly, the bore took a ...

    • Scientific Names of Greek Derivation - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      IN NATURE for July 7, p. 10, Prof. Cole criticises “American authors” for using the term dinosaur, instead of clinging as he does to “deinosaur”. In a previous number of & ...

    • Hydro-Electric Development in India - Nature

      Nature· 18 hours ago

      IN NATURE of January 6, p. 23, under this heading, it was stated that an irrigation scheme involving the generation of large quantities of electric power between the Punjab ...

    • Origin of Cyclones - Nature

      Nature· 18 hours ago

      IN NATURE of August 17, 1871, Mr. J. J. Murphy calls attention to a paper by Mr. Meldrum on the origin of storms in the Bay of Bengal, &c. This paper advocates the theory ...

    • Ionic Melts - Nature

      Nature· 19 hours ago

      News Published: 11 November 1961 Ionic Melts A. R. UBBELOHDE Nature volume 192 , pages 509–511 ( 1961 ) Cite this article 278 Accesses 2 Citations Metrics details This is ...

    • Naid or Tubificid? - Nature

      Nature· 23 hours ago

      IN NATURE for November 16, 1911 (p. 78), I directed attention to the fact that a tiny annelid known as Rhyacodrilus had been found in England, and that it differed in some ...