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    • Prehistoric Remains in America - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      AT a recent meeting of the Washington Anthropological Society, Mr. G. K. Gilbert described a prehistoric hearth under the Quaternary deposits in Western New York. The speaker described the finding ...

    • Research Items - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      The excavation of the Pin Hole Cave, Creswell Crags, has been continued by Mr. Leslie Armstrong. Breccia was removed from the whole area of the passage on the east side of the main chamber and ...

    • Some Lecture Notes on Meteorites † - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      III. AMONG the mineral constituents of meteorites the unstable sulphides, it is hardly necessary to observe, could with difficulty be conceived as continuing permanently undecomposed, or as ...

    • Supposed Fossils from the Southern Highlands - Nature

      Nature· 20 hours ago

      His attention was first called to some ferruginous stalk-like incrustations on the surfaces of fragments of quartzite, his impression being that these markings were the remains of plants, and ...

    • Volcanic Rocks from New Zealand 1 - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      THE district dealt with in this memoir is part of the principal gold-field of New Zealand. The igneous rocks here, which are the source of the gold, are of Tertiary age, though an older series ...

    • Scientific Serials - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      IN the first paper in the American Naturalist for May, Prof. C. F. Hartt opens out quite a new field for investigation in the rock-inscriptions of Brazil ...

    • Mountain Stream Tadpoles in Natal - Nature

      Nature· 21 hours ago

      P. Boneberg, of Mariannhill, who kept them alive for some time, and observed their peculiar leech-like habit of sticking to one's fingers or to the sides of the vessel in which they were contained ...