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    • University and Educational Intelligence - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      CAMBRIDGE.-At St. John's College a research studentship and research exhibitions are offered for competition in July 1935. One Strathcona research studentship of the annual value of £150 is ...

    • Social Anthropology at Cambridge - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      JOHN HENRY HUTTON, of St. John's College, Cambridge, who is to succeed Prof. T. C. Hodson, was educated at Chigwell School, and Worcester College, Oxford. Dr. Hutton was appointed lecturer in ...

    • Prof. W. M. Hicks, F.R.S - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      Born at Launceston on September 23, 1850, he went up to Cambridge in 1870 as a scholar of St. John's College, and reached the position of seventh wrangler in the Mathematical Tripos of 1873.

    • Expedition to Baffin Bay, 1937 - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      A N expedition, led by J. M. Wordie of St. John's College, Cambridge, has returned from a three months voyage to Davis Strait and Baffin Bay. The party, ten in number, had as its main objectives ...

    • Dr. R. A. Hull - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      R. A. HULL was killed at the age of thirty-eight when he fell while climbing the Brouillard ridge of Mont Blanc on August 22. Going up to Oxford in 1929 as an exhibitioner of St. John's College ...

    • Prof. W. McFadden Orr, F.R.S - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      WILLIAM McFADDEN ORR was born on May 2, 1866, and died in his sixty-eighth year on August 14, having resigned his professorship of pure and applied mathematics in University College, Dublin, ...

    • Dr. C B. Ticehurst - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      It will be still more difficult to fill the gap which his death will cause in the publication of the Union's journal-the Ibis-of which he had been the successful and zealous editor since 1931 ...

    • DR. J. A. Thomson - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      DR. JAMES ALLAN THOMSON, who passed away on May 6, was at the time of his death director of the Dominion Museum in Wellington, New Zealand, and also president of the New Zealand Institute. Notwithstanding ...