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    • Epping Forest - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      THE public generally, and especially the people of London, and those who take some interest in natural history, are to be congratulated on the acquisition of so charmingly complete a little ...

    • War-Time Research in the United States - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      IT is difficult to find in this country in these days a scientific worker, however recondite his studies may have been in pre-war days, who is not engaged in problems connected with the war, ...

    • Geographical Notes - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      THE Council of the Royal Geographical Society have presented a “remarkable memorial” to H.M. Commissioners of the University of Oxford, to those of Cambridge, and to the Governing Bodies of ...

    • The British Association - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      THE leading article in NATURE of September 16 brings out very clearly what many of us feel to be an increasing difficulty at the meetings, not only of the British Association, but also of most ...

    • Ocean Currents - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      HAVING had occasion in the spring of 1868 to consider the subject of Ocean Currents as discussed by Captain Maury and Sir John Herschel, I was led to certain views respecting the origin of the ...

    • Intellect in Brutes - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      IT might prove interesting to some of your readers to put the following incidents on record relative to intellect in brutes:— Some time ago I kept in town a bitch and three of its puppies; the ...

    • Woman's Share in Primitive Culture - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      ANTHROPOLOGY—the science of man—has been sadly neglected in the past, but there are signs that it will be more extensively studied in the future. This strange state of things is difficult to ...

    • Naval Education - Nature

      Nature· 1 day ago

      FROM the papers and discussions which have recently appeared in the Journal of the United Service Institution (Nos. The fact seems to be that, whereas the naval officer of former days was not ...