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    • Mr. T. Harris - Nature

      Nature· 3 days ago

      MR. T. HARRIS, who has recently died, joined the Research Department, Woolwich, in January 1921 at a time when the importance of the scientific approach to problems of war and defence was beginning ...

    • Termites and their Habits - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      TWO interesting papers on termites and their habits, by Mr. T. Fetch (reprinted from the Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, November, 1913), have reached us. The author has already ...

    • Research Items - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      Mr. T. C. Craw-hall in Man for March describes the processes of iron-working and forging as practised by the Jur of the Sudanese province of Bahr el Ghazal, which are illustrated by some exhibits ...

    • An Amphipod Invasion - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      MANY specimens of a small amphipod crustacean, Euthemisto compressa, Goës, have been forwarded to me by Mr. T. H. Nelson, of Redcar. On May 23 and 24 these were washed ashore in incredible numbers ...

    • Agricultural Notes - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      CONDENSED Vegetable Milk.—Mr. T. Katayama, a writer in a recent issue of the Bulletin of the Agricultural College, Tokyo (Bulletin, College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University, vol. vii ...

    • Early Knowledge of Iron in the Pacific - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      MR. T. A. RICKABD'S communication on “The Knowledge and Use of Iron among the South Sea Islanders”, read before the Royal Anthropological Institute on Jan. 12, offered what may be regarded as ...

    • Gilded Chrysalides 1 - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      PREVIOUS WORK.—Mr. T. W. Wood in 1867 published the observation that certain pupæ (Pieris brassicœ, P. rapœ, &c.) resemble in colour the surface on which they are found. Although this was disputed ...

    • Mr. T. V. Holmes - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      MR. THOMAS VINCENT HOLMES, whose death at the age of eighty-two occurred on January 24, was for long a familiar figure in the ranks of English amateur geologists. From 1868 to 1879 he held a ...

    • Mechanics at the British Association - Nature

      Nature· 2 days ago

      IN Section G, Mr. T. Forster Brown, an engineer well known in the locality in connection with mining industry, was the President. There was an average list of papers, but the discussions were ...

    • Marine Biological Research 1 - Nature

      Nature· 6 days ago

      THE annual report on the investigations carried on during 1914–15 by Prof. A. Meek and his colleagues contains papers of general interest. Mr. Storrow writes on several faunistic records, and ...